Guysaboss' Video Game Reviews

Reviews from a man who simply likes games

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Mass Effect 2

Mass Effect 2 is a game near and dear to my heart. Being my first foray into the franchise, I obviously didn't enjoy it as much as I could've on my first playthrough, but it still instantly became my favorite game of all time. With stellar characters, great writing, and voice talent featuring Martin Sheen, it's a modern classic, a masterpiece in gaming. My Mass Effect story starts with going to Gamestop many years ago, where I picked up Mass Effect because I thought it simply looked cool, flash forward to a little while later, I was hooked, like many I always took Garrus and Tali as my squadmates, because that's the rules. I went for a Paragon playthrough on my first (and in most of my subsequent) playthrough(s), having taken the Sole Survivor and Colonist backgrounds, my Shepard had a very tragic backstory, which fit well with my decision to romance Tali, and to be a Paragon. That's the boring preamble out the way, let's get into the meat of the review.

Story: The story is simply fantastic, a good fight to save the galaxy always hitting just right. We see Commander Shepard's death and rebirth through the aptly named Lazarus project at the hands of the shadowy Cerberus, who informs us the Reapers are once again trying to destroy life in the galaxy, prompting Shepard to team up with the enigmatic Illusive Man played by Martin Sheen, who gives Shepard a better Normandy, resources, and support for the mission, setting the stage for one of the best games in all of history.

Gameplay: The gameplay is fun, abandoning the more Classical RPG style of gear in the original, and instead adopting a more Action RPG system where gear matters less. While not as refined as Mass Effect 3, it's still more than good enough.

Characters: The characters are just flat out great for the most part, with characters like Jacob just being... boring. From the genetically engineered to be perfect Miranda, to the one and the only Garrus Vakarian, it's hard to find more interesting and likeable characters. Even the aliens feel human, they feel corporeal.

Writing: Just perfect, I said what needed to be said earlier.

Overall a solid 5/5 from me.

Game 2 Cover Art


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